No-Guilt Resolution Check In

January is off with a bang and if you’re anything like me (or the rest of the world) your shiny new resolutions may not feel as shiny anymore. Let’s chat about it! 

Did you set goals for yourself at the beginning of this year? How are they going? 

If you haven’t quite hit your stride yet - that’s TOTALLY okay. Implementing new habits is hard, especially when you’re an exhausted mama. Did you know that the second Friday in January is known as “Quitter’s Day”? It’s the day that most people throw in the towel on their New Year's Resolutions. I share this to let you know that IT IS OKAY AND PERFECTLY NORMAL if you aren’t where you want to be with your 2024 goals. But hitting a blimp in your progress or hitting pause on what you’re doing doesn’t mean it is all over. 

Give yourself grace. 

You have SO MUCH on your plate right now and you’re still doing a great job. Let’s say it again for the people in the back - you’re doing a great job! 

Pat yourself on the back for trying and give yourself the leeway to start again, even imperfectly. 

New Years Resolutions don’t have to be an all-or-nothing situation. You can choose one tiny thing to do every day to become 1% better than you were yesterday. And if we’re being honest, in my house that could mean that tomorrow I brush my hair before I put it up in my messy bun – eventually working my way up to washing the locks haha. 

These tiny 1% incremental changes may not seem huge in the moment, but at the end of the year, the tiny progressive improvements will help you be 365% better than where you started. 

So here’s our New Year’s message to you: give yourself grace, remember you’re doing better than you think you are, and go for a tiny 1% improvement day over day. 2024 is going to be a great year and we can’t wait to walk through it with you.

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